

Update spring 2019: My blanket gets an extension!

I need approx. 3.8g per puff

FO weighs about 3,5kg
I used quilt batting/wadding to stuff the puffs. A double layer gave my puffs just the right amount of puffyness

If you’d like to use one (or more) of my own charts just send me a message
If you want to know what Puff means in german: google it ;-)

I bought the Beekeeper’s Quilt pattern but found out that I wouldn’t have needed it. It wasn’t of much use to me since it took me several tries and modifications until I managed to knit a hexagon with equally long sides.
I now use a different method of increasing (right and left leaning YOs instead of kfb, which make the increase half of the puff smaller than the decrease half), a different method of decreasing (centered double decrease), a different method of casting on (JMCO) and a different method of binding off (kitchener stitch). I cast on a different number of stitches and increase to a different number of stitches than the pattern calls for. I use more than just three dpns. I added a few plain rows so the hexagons are more balanced. I will use a different way to join the puffs in the end.
In short: The only part of the pattern I’m using by now is knitting in the round.



Also, I don’t like the layout of the pattern (faaar too much information, the use of at least three different fonts and too many emojis) but that’s just my personal taste.

Wollmeise colourways used:
0-Rh-Negativ, 29 Cu, Ahoi, Auster WD, Beruhigend, Campari Piccolo, Delphin, Ebenholz, Flaschenpost, Flohmarkt, Frisch, Granatapfel, Isarkiesel, Jultomte, Moses, Oh Tannenbaum, Ooohm, Patina, QED, Raku Regenbogen, Safran, Silberdistel, Tandoori Masala, Tollkirsche, Versuchskaninchen orange, Versuchskaninchen türkis, Zimtapfel



Beekeeper’s Hive on Rav (Tiny Owl Knits group): Charts, tips etc for hexipuffs

Calculating the numbers -- I will need 832 puffs

Techknitter’s Tutorial to Better Duplicate Stitching
Invisible seam
Crochet connections

Free downloadable hexagon graph paper
Free downloadable knit stitch paper


Completed special puffs:

1st puff: Duplicate stitched Icelandic horse. Chart from the "Lady Farrier" pattern and in the colours of my Lady Farrier socks
21st puff: Duplicate stitched letter M.
35th puff: Center out puff as described in LSG on Rav (Thread: The laziest KAL, post #3814). Like puffs #81, #83, #84 and #85
between 37th and 38th puff: 2 tiny socks to be added to 2 puffs. Reminding me of the 25 pairs of me-sized socks I knit in 2013
42nd puff: Embroidered Number 42 and colourway Guide to Galaxy. The Hitchhiker’s Guide is one of my all time favourite books
68th puff: Cabled. Inspired by the Arwen cable panel. I finished my version of Arwen a few days ago
69th puff: Cabled. Cable from Bayerische Socks. I knit them in 2012
73rd puff: Duplicate stitched letter S. First letter of my surname
Also, Sheldon Cooper’s favourite number is 73 and I watch too much TV…
79th and 80th puff: Slip stitch puffs as described here
81st, 83rd, 84th and 85th puff: More center out puffs (like puff #35)
86th puff: Textured puff as described here
99th puff: Duplicate stitched elephant. Inspired by Rose Hiver’s incredibly beautiful Water For the Elephants, my first stranded socks. Made in 2013 while cat sitting at a friend’s house
100th puff: Duplicate stitched miniature of my 100th project
111th and 112th puff: Slip stitch puffs incorporating Mad Colour Weave pattern
122th puff: Duplicate stitched six row peerie pattern as used in my 1st pillow case
126th puff: Duplicate stitched Speckflagge (“bacon flag”). Flag of my hometown Bremen
129th puff: Duplicate stitched six row peerie
131st puff: Duplicate stitched six row peerie
133th puff: Lace incorporating Kai-Mei pattern. I knit them in 2011 and they were amongst the first patterns that started my sock addiction. In order to prevent the stuffing from being seen through the lace I knit a simple hexagon in a contrasting colour and sew it to the inside of the puff
136th puff: Cabled. Incorporating “Drip” from Drip Drip Drop. I knit them in 2013. Like puff #304
139th puff: Slip stitch puff as described here (slightly modified). Like puff #142
141th puff: Duplicate stitched thumb pattern from Elise mittens. I knit them in 2013
142nd puff: Slip stitch puff as described here (slightly modified). Like puff #139
147th puff: Duplicate stitched Space Invader. Happy memories…
149th puff: Duplicate stitched chevrons in the colours of my Striper cardigan. I knit it in 2015
152nd puff: Cabled. Incorporating the tail cable from Smaug Socks. I knit them in 2012
153rd and 154th puff: Wrapped stitches. Incorporating the scale pattern from Smaug Socks
157th puff: Cabled/lace. Incorporating leg pattern from #3 Bagshot Row. I knit them in 2014
165th puff: Duplicate stitched Tardis. Slightly modified version of craftyshanna's chart
169th and 187th puff: Dandelion stitch. Found here

200th and 201st puff: Knits and purls
204th and 205th puff: Cabled. One with a knit background and one with a purled one
211th puff: Knits and purls. Foot pattern from Spiegel socks. I knit them in 2012
216th puff: Cabled. Leg pattern from Spiegel socks. Like puffs #702 and #703
218th puff: Duplicate stitched maze
220th and 226th puff: Knits and purls
242nd and 245th puff: Knits and purls and some cabling. Pattern found here (nr. 37). Like puff #741 and #17a
249th and 252nd puff: Latvian braids. I always wanted to try this technique. Like puff #273
255th puff: Duplicate stitched snail. Chart found here
262nd and 263rd puff: Knits and purls and some cabling. Pattern found here. Like puff #750
266th puff: Lace. Pattern from Hedera
268th and 269th puff: Knits and purls and some cabling. Pattern found here (nr. 189)
273rd puff: Latvian braid. Like puffs #249 and #252


277th and 278th puff: Cabled. Pattern found here (nr. 83). Like puff #593
284th puff: Duplicate stitched branch from my pattern Jack and the Beansock. I knit them in 2014 and 2015 and published the pattern in February 2015
285th and 286th puff: Knits and purls. Like puff #336
304th puff: Cabled. Incorporating “Drip” from Drip Drip Drop. Like puff #136
305th puff: Multiple YOs. Slightly modified version of this technique
309th puff: Duplicate stitched Citroën 2CV. My first car. Her name was Margarethe
313th puff: Duplicate stitched kingfisher. One of the most beautiful birds. Modified version of this chart
322nd puff: Cabled.
324th puff: Eye of Partridge. Looks good in a multicoloured yarn. Like puff #331
325th, 327th and 330th puff: Slipped stitches. Like in a reinforced sock heel. Like puffs #680, #686 and #687
331st puff: Eye of Partridge. Like puff #324
334th puff: Roositud. Slightly modified version of the Roosimine pattern
336th puff: Knits and purls. Like puffs #285 and #286
341st puff: Cabled. Incorporating a small part of the amazing Coffee Cantata
351st puff: Roositud. Slightly modified version of the Keisarin Morsian pattern
357th puff: Duplicate stitched bicycle. I love my bike
363rd puff: Knits and purls
365th and 366th puff: Knits and purls.Like puff #785
367th puff: Duplicate stitched Tux. The Linux mascot. Sometimes I have to embrace my inner geek
378th puff: Knits and purls. Like puff #382
379th puff: Duplicate stitched tree. Modified version of AmandaKayMetskas chart. One of my happy places is under an old oak tree in our street
382nd puff: Knits and purls. Like puff #378
384th puff: Cabled
385th puff: Duplicate stitched house. Modified version of Jennifer Fabian’s chart
388th puff: Cables, knits and purls
390th puff: Cabled
395th puff: Duplicate stitched Ravelry logo. The logo they used before the worst redesign ever

400th and 402nd puff: Knits and purls. Moss stitch. Like puffs #581, #589 and #744
405th puff: YOs. Using coxabey’s pattern
406th puff: Duplicate stitched lily of the valley. Modified version of Jennifer Fabian’s chart.The place where I live translates as valley of the lilies so this flower seems appropriate for my blanket
408th puff: Roositud. Incorporating Lesley Melliship’s Guild Socks. I test knit them in 2013
414th puff: Knits and purls. Like puffs #427, #594 and #596
415th puff: Duplicate stitched Wollmeise logo
418th puff: Duplicate stitched teapot. Slightly modified version of Jennifer Fabians chart
427th puff: Knits and purls. Like puffs #414, #594 and #596
428th puff: Roositud technique. Pattern found here (nr. 165)
442nd puff: Knits and purls. Seed stitch
444th puff: Duplicate stitched detail of the Egyptian Mittens. They have been in my queue since March 2013
447th puff: Duplicate stitched bumblebee. Reminding me of all the bumblebees I watched climbing in and out of the snapdragon blossoms while having long talks on my balcony last summer
456th puff: Duplicate stitched detail from Water for the Elephants. This was one of my first stranded projects. I used the colours that started my Wollmeise addiction: Tollkirsche and some leftover Versuchskaninchen
480th puff: Duplicate stitched hearts. Pattern from Ponies Are A Girl’s Best Friends. I designed and knit them in 2014
506th puff: Cabled. Like puffs #543, #546, #684 and #685
513th and 514th puff: Knits and purls. Inspiration found here. Every third row knit/purl instead of every other row
518th, 519th and 521st puff: Knits and purls. Pattern found here. Like puffs #695 and #697
525th and 528th puff: Cabled. Honeycomb pattern found here. Like puff #748
540th and 541st puff: Cabled. Shadow cable pattern found here. Like puffs #691, #692 and #693
543rd and 546th puff: Cabled. Like puffs #506, #684 and #685
549th and 552nd puff: Cabled. Horseshoe cable pattern found here
555th puff: Embroidered. Inspired by van Goghs Twelve Sunflowers (1888). I love sunflowers, I love van Goghs art and I have decided to see more art this year
565th puff: Duplicate stitched detail from the beautiful Margit in the Wind
566th, 567th and 568th puff: Cabled. Inspiration found here
571st, 572nd and 573th puff: Cabled. Icorporating part of the Sake pattern
576th and 577th puff: Knits and purls. Seed stitch. Like puff #442
581st puff: Knits and purls. Moss stitch. Like puffs #400, #402, #589 and #744
584th, 585th and 587th puff: Cabled. Incorporating part of the Hélène socks
589th puff: Knits and purls. Moss stitch. Like puffs #400, #402, #581 and #744
593rd puff: Cabled. Pattern found here (nr. 83). Like puffs #277 and #278
594th and 596th puff: Knits and purls. Like puffs #414 and #427

600th, 601st and 603rd puff: Knits and purls. Like puff #747
604th puff: Duplicate stitched heart. Incorporating the Medieval Heart chart
620th puff: Duplicate stitched camera. My Canon EOS 70D
627th, 628th, 630th and 631st puff: Cabled. Incorporating part of the Gemstone Beanie. Like puffs #688 and #689
634th, 635th and 636th puff: Cabled. Incorporating part of the Neverland and Oz socks
637th, 638th and 639th puff: Knits and purls. Seed stitch chevron. Like puff #786
642nd puff: Duplicate stitched train
646th, 647th and 648th puff: Knits and purls. Garter Zigzag pattern found here
652nd puff: Duplicate stitched squirrel
654th puff: Cabled. Incorporating part of the Lohengrin socks. Like puffs #660 and #663
655th, 657th and 658th puff: Cabled. Incorporating the shield cable panel from Lohengrin socks
660th puff: Cabled. Incorporating part of the Lohengrin socks. Like puffs #654 and #663
661st puff: Duplicate stitched puzzle piece
663rd puff: Cabled. Incorporating part of the Lohengrin socks. Like puffs #654 and #660
665th puff: Cabled. Incorporating part of the Daughter Heir socks. Like puffs #668, #669 and #779
666th puff: Duplicate stitched Simon’s cat
668th and 669th puff: Cabled. Incorporating part of the Daughter Heir socks. Like puffs #665 and #779
671st, 672nd and 673rd puff: Cabled. Like puff #753
676th puff: Duplicate stitched detail from Bridget. I knit them in 2013
678th puff: Duplicate stitched Pentominoes. I made wooden ones a few years ago and I’m very proud of them
680th puff: Slipped stitches. Like puffs #325, #327, #330, #686 and #687
681st puff: Duplicate stitched lighthouse and beach. Modified version of Disneyette’s lighthouse chart. Reminding me of an awesome day I had at the beach on 31 March
682nd: Duplicate stitched 1up
684th and 685th puff: Cabled. Like puffs #506, #543 and #546
686th and 687th puff: Slipped stitches. Like puffs #325, #327, #330 and #680
688th and 689th puff: Cabled. Incorporating part of the Gemstone Beanie. Like puffs #627, #628, #630 and #631
691th, 692nd and 693rd puff: Cabled. Shadow cable pattern found here. Like puffs #540 and #541
695th and 697th puff: Knits and purls. Pattern found here. Like puffs #518, #519 and #521
700th puff: Duplicate stitched sheep. I used the colonial knot
702nd and 703rd puff: Cabled. Leg pattern from Spiegel Socks. Like puff #216
705th, 706th, 707th and 708th puff: Knits and purls. Pattern found here (nr. 04)
712th puff: Duplicate stitched icecream cone
716th puff: Duplicate stitched detail of the Egyptian Mittens
718th puff: Duplicate stitched detail of the Fireweeds Socks
719th puff: Duplicate stitched detail of the Lotus Mittens
720th puff: Duplicate stitched detail of the Figure/Ground Socks
721st puff: Knitting theme. Inspired by deannadarling’s knitter’s hexipuff
722nd puff: Duplicate stitched detail of the Flowers and Diamonds Mittens
723rd puff: Duplicate stitched detail of the Sienna Socks
724th puff: Duplicate stitched detail of the Talvipuutarha Sukat
725th puff: Duplicate stitched cat silhouette
726th puff: Duplicate stitched detail of the Figure/Ground Socks
727th puff: Duplicate stitched detail of the Figure/Ground Socks
731st puff: Duplicate stitched dots
732nd puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern found here (page 53)
733rd puff: Duplicate stitched detail of the Sienna Socks
734th puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern found here (page 56)
735th puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern found here (page 53)
736th puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern found here (nr. 93)
737th puff: Duplicate stitched Cookie Monster. I love baking cookies (and eating them…) and last year I made a Cookie Monster cake
738th puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern found here (page 56)
741st puff: Knits and purls and some cabling. Pattern found here (nr. 37). Like puffs #242 and #245
742nd puff: Duplicate stitched detail of the Crazed Scandinavian Cowl (Chart B)
743rd puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern found here (nr. 98)
744th puff: Knits and purls. Moss stitch. Like puffs #400, #402, #581 and #589
747th puff: Knits and purls. Like puffs #600, #601 and #603
748th puff: Cabled. Honeycomb pattern found here. Like puffs #525 and #528
750th puff: Knits and purls and some cabling. Pattern found here. Like puffs #262 and #263
752nd puff: Duplicate stitched detail of the Jouluiset mysteerisukat
753rd puff: Cabled. Like puffs #671, #672 and #673
754th puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern from the Crazed Scandinavian Cowl (chart G)
755th puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern found here (page 55)
757, 758th and 759th puff: Knits and purls
760th, 761st and 762nd puff: Knits and purls. The pattern reminds me of my living room rug
763rd puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern found here (page 58)
766th puff: Duplicate stitched underwater scenery. I got my scuba diver’s license in 2006 and I loved the weightless feeling while diving
767th, 768th and 769th puff: YOs/Wrapped stitches. Pattern from Pan Galactic Helix
771st, 772nd, 773rd and 775th puff: Cabled. Plaited Basket Stitch found here
777th puff: Duplicate stitched smiley
779th puff: Cabled. Incorporating part of the Daughter Heir socks. Like puffs #665, #668 and #669
780th puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern from the Crazed Scandinavian Cowl (Chart C)
781st puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern found here (page 54)
782nd puff: Duplicate stitched meeple. I love boardgames and there’s a funny story about a blue meeple
785th puff: Knits and purls. Like puffs #365 and #366
786th puff: Knits and purls. Seed stitch chevron. Like puffs #637, #638 and #639
788th puff: Wrapped stitches. Inspired by Radar’s Teddybear Socks. Like puff #792
789th puff: Duplicate stitched thumbsup. Reminding me of a dear friend who uses this sign in his WhatsApp conversations. A lot.
792nd puff: Wrapped stitches. Inspired by Radar’s Teddybear Socks. Like puff #788
796th puff: Duplicate stitched plane. Reminding me of the awesome vacation I had last month

800th puff: Duplicate stitched logo of my homepage
802nd and 803rd puff: Circular cable on a moss stitch background. Cable found here (page 95)
807th and 808th puff: Cabled. Pattern found here (nr. 59)
809th and 810th puff: Cabled. Pattern found here (nr. 258)
811th and 812th puff: Cabled. Pattern from Aragorn Socks
813th puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern from Jouluiset mysteerisukat
814th puff: Duplicate stitched. Slightly modified pattern from Victor Socks. I tried to knit them in 2014 but found out that the floats were too long for me at that time and the stacked short floats caused puckering
815th and 816th puff: Cabled. Pattern from the beautiful Ayartma Socks. I knit them in 2013. Like puff #18a
817th puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern from the Crazed Scandinavian Cowl (Chart M)
818th puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern found here (page 58)
819th and 820th puff: Wrapped stitches. Inspiration found here (nr. 80)
821st and 822nd puff: Knits and purls. Inspiration found here (nr. 85)
823rd and 825th puff: Cabled. Pattern found here (nr. 120)
826th and 827th puff: Cabled. Pattern found here (nr. 156)
828th puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern found in Richard Rutt’s “A History of Hand Knitting” (page 184). This book is out of print and has been on my wish list since 2012. I found a reasonably priced one recently. It arrived today (much earlier than expected) and it made my day
829th puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern found here (page 213)
830th and 831st puff: Cabled. Pattern found here (nr. 124)
832nd puff: Knits and purls. Slightly modified pattern found here (nr. 193)
833rd and 834th puff: Cabled. Slightly modified part of the Baroque Socks. Like puff #63a
835th puff: Duplicate stitched snowflake. Part of the Lumikuningatar mittens
836th and 837th puff: Cabled. Inspired by the Forest Frost Headband. Like puff #5a
838th puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern from Julekuler. I knit this christmas ornament last year.
839th puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern from Julekuler. I knit this christmas ornament last month.
840th puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern from Christmas Balls (Kilim Ball). I knit this ornament in 2016
841st puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern from Selbu Modern (slightly modified). I knit this hat in 2013 as a reversible double knit
842nd and 843rd puff: Cabled. Pattern from Bex. I knit these socks in 2013
844th and 845th puff: Cabled. Pattern from Coexist (Austen)

846th and 847th puff: Cabled. Pattern from Eilean Mòr
848th puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern from the Latvian Bloom Mittens

849th and 851st puff: Cabled. Pattern from Coexist (Doyle). Like puff #23a
852nd puff: Cabled. Pattern from Sweet Potato Pie (clue 3)
853rd puff: Cabled. Pattern from Marshmallow Cloud Cowl (scaled down)
854th and 855th puff: Cabled. Pattern from Coexist (Shakespeare). Like puff #42a
856th puff: Cabled. Pattern from Real Love Socks
857th puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern from Diamond Mandala Mittens
858th puff: Duplicate stitched. Pattern from Julekuler 34


Ideas/plans for special puffs:

Hayabusa or helmet, Leo,Luke and Rory, dancing shoes, rock climbing, Monty Python’s foot (Flying Circus opening) or a 16 ton weight, Happypotamus/hippo, beaver (with tree), Catan, time/hourglass, Loriot, pumpkin, ASCII-art

Heartbeat cable, 7 Wise Santas, WestPort Socks

Pong, staircase, walking shoes, Crossing the Weser with Gjafar, Hanging Lake (waterfall, lake, forest), Monument Valley, Antelope Canyon, chocolate chip cookie (colonial knot), Where’s Waldo

Crystal Galaxy Socks, Greenhorn, pooling (how to create that effect on a puff???), leaves, Pisqu, mosaic knitting like Garter Stitch Dishcloth, owl cable, Gush cable, Willowwork, Burgundy Socks,
Rhombus, celtic knot puff

Daisy stitch, Herringbone

Ancient path socks; argyle; Basset hound; biscuits; Blaumann/blue shirt; paws; catan/bricks; daisy chain; DNA cable; dotted; Faramir cable; fleur de lis; frootloops ; guinea pig; hungry caterpillar (across 2 puffs -- embroider when sewing the entire blanket is done); icelandic flag; illusion knitting; julekuler (ball #5, #8 or #9); labyrinth (Chartres, Amiens, Mingolsheim); lace (double layered; maybe a green leaf?); Lord what Fools wrapped stitches; mario/star/bob-omb; Norwegian mittens; owl; pacman; peerie patterns; Romanes; Two Sisters hat; secret pocket (maybe use Edelstein); Selbu; slipped stitches; snowflake; strawberry (red puff with white dots and some green “leaves” on top); Stricken foot panel; swan; texture 1, 2; watermelon


Hexipuff count:


|||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| ||||
|||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| ||||: 100!
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Border: Flaschenpost or Beruhigend half hexis and Patina full hexis

When joining align direction of puffs and colours or maybe imitate a swirl like michelle166 in her 4th pic



12.4.2016: CO and 1st puff done
16.4.2016: Found the right stuffing. Not too thick, not too thin
21.4.2016: Thinking about a different theme. Maybe I won’t use every colour and then some to create a full rainbow but use a more limited range of colours. This means more puffs of every single colour (no problem). But it also means I won’t be able to use some of the 23 puffs I made so far
25.4.2016: I knit two tiny socks (“foot” length 4cm) to be added to the finished blanket
27.4.2016: Finished the 50th puff in my favourite colourway Zimtapfel. They just fly off the needles
30.4.2016: 57 puffs completed in April
3.5.2016: Signý is born. Watching her slows me down but I couldn’t care less. She is a little miracle
19.5.2016: Finished my 100th puff. I’m back on track and even a little ahead of schedule
29.5.2016: I knit more and more patterned puffs and think about how to include as many of my previously knit patterns as possible. This project feels like a summary of my knitting history
31.5.2016: 85 puffs completed in May
6.6.2016: 150 puffs!
14.6.2016: As a personal challenge I try to knit a cardigan during the UEFA European Championship. That really cuts into my puffing time. But I’ll squeeze in one or two puffs if the cardy bores me.
24.6.2106: I frogged the cardigan because it didn’t work out the way I planned it. On one hand I’m sad but on the other hand I’m glad to have more time for my puff addiction
26.6.2016: 200 puffs!
30.6.2016: 63 puffs completed in June
25.7.2016: 250 puffs!
30.7.2016: 53 puffs completed in July
8.8.2016: A busy social life keeps me from knitting as many puffs as planned but I don’t mind
15.8.2016: 300 puffs! I moved into my new flat one year ago and I’m looking forward to seeing the finished blanket in my bedroom
25.8.2016: I love numbers so I counted the stitches in one puff. 934. That means there will be approximately 850.000 stitches in the blanket. Not counting the additional stitches in the cabled puffs
31.8.2016: 62 puffs completed in August
17.9.2016: 350 puffs!
30.9.2016: 65 puffs completed in September
5.10.2016: 400 puffs!
31.10.2016: 64 puffs completed in Oktober
1.11.2016: 450 puffs!
10.11.2016: I missed knitting stranded things so I started a pair of socks (Keisarin Morsian) a few days ago and have knit my first Balls Up ! ball today
13.11.2016: I decided to knit a single coloured row of puffs as a border. That means a lot of Patina puffs…
27.11.2016: 500 puffs!
30.11.2016: 61 puffs completed in November
31.12.2016: 28 puffs completed in December; 538 puffs completed in 2016
1.1.2017: New year’s resolution: Finish knitting in 2017. Finish sewing in 2018.
31.1.2017: 33 puffs completed in January
14.2.2017: 600 puffs!
28.2.2017: 64 puffs completed in February
6.3.2017: 650 puffs!
26.3.2017: I laid out all the puffs I have knit so far on my living room floor and calculated how many more I will need: 201. I’m looking forward to lying under the finished blanket!
31.3.2017: 46 puffs completed in March
12.4.2017: One year since I started the blanket. So many things have happened during this year. I changed a lot and I’m much happier with my life than I was twelve months ago
14.4.2017: 700 puffs!
30.4.2017: 32 puffs completed in April
31.5.2017: 15 puffs completed in May
10.6.2017: I realized there are “only” about 150 puffs left to knit. So now I feel like making every puff special (i.e. patterned or embroidered). That really slows me down but I’m okay with that
29.6.2017: 750 puffs!
30.6.2017: 22 puffs completed in June
31.7.2017: 23 puffs completed in July
31.8.2017: 9 puffs completed in August
4.9.2017: I’m back from vacation. I had an awesome time. Didn’t get much knitting done.
26.9.2017: 800 puffs!
30.9.2017: 21 puffs completed in September
6.10.2017: I finished 114 unpatterned Patina puffs. Enough for a single coloured border
31.10.20117: 21 puffs completed in October

20.11.2017: 832 puffs!!!
I have knit enough puffs for a queen size quilt. But… I won’t stop. I have some puffs I’d like to replace. So I’m adding about 20 more and then I’ll start joining the puffs


30.11.2017: 9 puffs completed in November
16.12.2017: 850 puffs
18.12.2017: Do-over of puff #700 (sheep). Once again I used the colonial knot. Inspired by CassyD’s Catan Tiles. I think knitting a Catan game is an awesome idea!
30.12.2017: One of my new year’s resolutions for 2017 was to finish knitting. Today I decided that I’ll stop knitting more puffs. I have enough for a queen size quilt and I’ll start joining the puffs in 2018
14.1.2018: I laid out all the puffs on my living room floor to decide which puff goes where in the finished blanket and discovered that I don’t have enough puffs. Some of the earlier puffs don’t match my colour palette so I decided to replace them. Unfortunately I miscounted the number of replacements.
Now I need nine more puffs.
20.1.2018: Sewing…
6.2.2018: I have joined 416 puffs. Three of the nine missing puffs left to knit
If I’m able to sow one row (22 or 23 puffs) per day I will finish the blanket by the end of the Ravellenic Games. So I entered it in the WIPs Dancing. Good motivation.
24.2.2018: I finished the blanket last night. I’m so glad this huge WIP is finally done.

Puff Means Something Different In German





#3 Bagshot Row

A Selection of Hexipuffs: The Birds

Aragorn (English)

Ayartma Socks


Bayerische Socks



Christmas Balls


Coffee Cantata

Crazed Scandinavian Cowl

Diamond Mandala Mittens

Drip Drip Drop
Egyptian Mittens
Eilean Mòr
Elise mitten

Figure/Ground Socks


Flowers and Diamonds -1

Gemstone Beanie

Guild Socks


Hélène Socks

Hexipuff Charts: Assorted

Hexipuff Charts: Spring Flowers

Jack and the Beansock
Jouluiset mysteerisukat
Keisarin Morsian
Lady Farrier
Latvian Blooms
Lotus Mittens
Mad Color Weave
Margit in the Wind
Marshmallow cloud
Medieval Heart Chart.
Neverland and Oz
Pan Galactic Helix
Ponies are a Girl's Best Friends

Radar's Teddy Bear

Real Love Socks



Selbu Modern

Sienna Socks
Smaug Socks
Spiegel Socks
Sweet Potato Pie
Talvipuutarha Sukat
the beekeeper's quilt

The Daughter Heir


Water for the Elephants


Needles: 3mm

Yarn: Wollmeise Pure


Started: 12 April 2016

Completed: 23 February 2018